From Astro Metaphysical Services Kamala Harris's interpretations for Ages 57 years, 58 years, 59 Years and 69 years. ======================= Age 59 years VIBRATES TO THE MOON---IMAGINATION, PARENTHOOD, and SENSITIVITY, CONCEPTION, CHILDBIRTH, and DREAMS ======================= Kamala Harris will be challenged to UNLOCK the KARMIC MYSTERY of the COMPOUND NUMBER of her day of birth in her life. Age 59 years will HARMONIZE well with Kamala's Virgo SUNSIGN CHARACTER, MOTIVES, and PERSONALITY patterns. At this time in her life, Kamala may be more of a DREAMER, tending to to FEAR the UNKNOWN or the UNFAMILIAR. Kamala must learn not to fear the "shadows of fear" representing a fear of every kind of LOSS of LOVE, or LOVED ONES, PROPERTY, MONEY, FRIENDSHIP, OR EMPLOYMENT. Kamala Harris will tend to be EXTREMELY IMAGINATIVE and INVENTIVE, but may not be as forceful as she should be in implementing her plans and ideas. If Kamala allows this imagination to run off in all directions unfettered, she will find herself creating the problems she fears most. When Kamala learns to OVERCOME FEAR, POSSESSIVENESS, and UNNECESSARY CAUTION, her IMAGINATION, ADAPTIBILITY, and INTUITION will help her to FULFILL all her DREAMS. Kamala has a very ROMANTIC nature with a secretly PSYCHIC side with a highly developed INTUITION. Kamala is probably very strongly devoted to or involved with her parents, especially her mother. Though Kamala makes an ideal parent herself, she must be careful that she does not smother her children with possessive love. Kamala loves money but likes to accumulate it in a safe, stable way, reinvesting it to make it grow through more dividends and interest. Money tends to stick with Kamala so that she will very likely NOT be on any welfare roles, as she sees this need for assistance as a failure to protect her assets. Though Kamala does not like the idea of accepting charity for herself, Kamala can be very active in charity work when it comes to helping others. Kamala tends to be SECRETIVE, not telegraphing her next move. Kamala will not allow others to invade her privacy, yet Kamala can be expert at gettiong others to tell her their secrets. Though Kamala adores traveling, she definitely needs a home base she can return to and set down her roots. ========================= Age 58 years and 59 years MOVEMENT AND CHALLENGE ========================= MAGNETIC COMMUNICATIONS with the public through writing, publishing, and all MEDIA-RELATED matters will be a key for Kamala Harris in this year. PERIODIC CHANGES in BUSINESS and various PARTNERSHIPS will likely be BENEFICIAL for Kamala in the long run. Dealing with SPECULATIVE MATTERS brings LUCK, likewise, MOVEMENT and TRAVEL associated with combinations of people and nations can be FORTUNATE FOR Kamala Harris. The LUCK of this period includes MONEY DEALINGS and SPECULATIVE projects, or some form of GAMBLING. There is also a DANGER of LOSS if Kamala either depends on WRONG ADVICE from others who MISREPRESENT a situation, or Kamala may become OVERCONFIDENT. However, with the ever-present strong currents of change at this time, these gains, and any losses Kamal may suffer at this time, will very likely be temporary. Kamala Harris should rely on her INTUITION, as it will be a mistake to rely on others. Kamala Harris should be warned to be cautious because of DANGER from ACCIDENTS related to natural elements like fire, flood, earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, tempests, and so forth. ( This is NOT an absolute, merely a warning to be cautious.) ========================= Age 57 years and 69 years ========================= KARMIC REWARD ============= During these years, KARMIC REWARD, earned in PAST INCARNATIONS, belongs to Kamala Harris. At this time Kamala is promised the ASSISTANCE of those in POWER, indicating a CLOSE ASSOCIATION with others of HIGH RANK and POSITION. Greater FINANCIAL SUCCESS, and HAPPINESS in LOVE can be in store for Kamala. MAGNETIC attraction, making Kamala EXTREMELY ATTRACTIVE to the opposite sex can bring her FINANCIAL GAIN through ROMANCE, the LAW, or the ARTS. Kamala must resist the TEMPTATION to INDULGE in PROMISCUITY and a TENDENCY to OVERINDULGENCE of all kinds. However, SELF-INDULGENCE and ARROGANCE in LOVE, FINANCIAL, and CAREER matters can bring severe problems as it will seem that everything comes so EFFORTLESSLY for Kamala at this time. BEWARE!! If Kamala ABUSES and MISUSES this period, Kamala may experience a KARMIC backlash in this present lifetime, or be reborn under the 18 or some other EXTREMELY DIFFICULT BIRTH number in her next lifetime. Therefore, Kamala should not FAIL to APPRECIATE the BENEFITS of this period. Kamala should NOT ALLOW the GOOD FORTUNE she is presently experiencing to cause SELFISHNESS or a CARELESS ATTITUDE toward SPIRITUAL VALUES. The magic of love, the extent of originality and creativity, and the promise of eventual financial success are DEEPENED and INCREASED for Kamala Harris during these years. It is indicated that Kamala will be rewarded with a WELL DESERVED KARMIC REWARD. However, Kamala should be advised NOT to ABUSE the LUCK which will likely descend on her at sometime during her life by allowing it to tempt her into laziness, overconfidence, and a feeling of superiority. A SENSE of HUMOR and GENUINE HUMILITY, at this time, will help make this a more fortunate period.