Blessings, Peace, and Love to all who enter

Last update---08/29/2020

"We are not human beings having a Spiritual experience... We are Spiritual beings having a human experience. "
Pierre Tielhard de Chardin


"Chistianity is NOT a religion, but a reality."


  • "Let Jesus into your life...." Said many times by Van Impi and other ministers. Should probably be more like "Let the CHRIST into your life...." since I believe more that the Jesus figure is an individual entity that took on/accepted the "Christ Consciousness"!!!
  • There is no individual/no book/no scripture that I have seen/heard that ever speaks of the "True" full birthname of the Jesus figure. The true ( Hebrew ) birthname should probably be something like "JEHOSHUA IBN JOSEPH"!! It is stated in the English translation of the Koran that the name should probably be "YOSHUA IBN MARYAM" since, as they state that Maryam, the mother of Yoshua (Jesus) was a prominent and well known woman in the area where Yoshua (Jesus) was born.

A study of the different names through Arithromancy and Numerology.


YOSHUA; (From a supposed translation of the Hebrew for "JESUS")
  • AUTHORITY and POWER can be yours. However, it is also likely that GREED will affect your life.
IBN; (Arabic/Hebrew term for "SON")
  • You will experience a GREAT IMPROVEMENT in the CIRCUMSTANCES of your life.
  • You exhibit greater AMBITION, PASSION, and PURPOSE.
MARYAM; ( From a supposed transation for "MARY" )
  • SPIRITUAL AWARENESS will come your way more easily.
  • You should work harder to keep ANXIETY and POSSIBLE ILL HEALTH out of your life.
MIRYAM; ( From the Hebrew for "MARY" )
  • SPIRITUAL AWARENESS will come your way more easily.
  • You will experience a GREAT IMPROVEMENT in the CIRCUMSTANCES of your life.
JEHOSHUA; (From the Hebrew for the original name of "JESUS" )
  • You will likely experience QUARRELS that come close to WAR experiences.
  • You will probably experience A TEMPORARY SEPARATION FROM A LOVED ONE.
  • RUIN and FATALITY come into your life. This can be corrected with more positive action on your part.
YOWCEPH; ( A translation from the Hebrew for "JOSEPH" )
  • ANXIETY is likely to be a major part of your life.
  • SPIRITUAL and MATERIAL PERFECTION are things you are/will be working on.
  • You will probably experience A TEMPORARY SEPARATION FROM A LOVED ONE.
  • MARRIAGE and HAPPINESS come your way.
  • You will likely experience INJUSTICE, but in the end VICTORY is likely for you.
IESOUS (From the Greek for "JESUS");
  • LONG JOURNEYS will likely be a bigger part of your life.
  • Greater HAPPINESS and PROSPERITY are yours.
  • You will likely experience QUARRELS that come close to WAR experiences.
  • GREAT KNOWLEDGE and WISDOM come your way.
  • You exhibit WISDOM and STRENGTH and demonstrate greater POWER.
  • MISFORTUNE is likely to be a major part of your life.
  • MATERIAL PLEASURES will be yours.
CHRISTOS; ( Original from the Greek for "CHRIST" )
  • LONG JOURNEYS will likely be a bigger part of your life.
  • MARRIAGE, RECOGNITION, and FAME come your way.


Pastlife influence8 Subconscious self 9
Keynumber8 Foundation7
Heart desire3 Personality11
Realization17 Habit challenge6
Physical plane3 Mental 5
Emotional plane3 Intuitive plane 4
Karmic lessons0 Karmic accumulation 0
Pastlife influence8 Subconscious self 5
Keynumber8 Foundation7
Heart desire3 Personality4
Realization10 Habit challenge6
Physical plane2 Mental 6
Emotional plane4 Intuitive plane 3
Karmic lessons4 Karmic accumulation 4
Pastlife influence2 Subconscious self 9
Keynumber8 Foundation7
Heart desire7 Personality6
Realization16 Habit challenge9
Physical plane5 Mental 5
Emotional plane3 Intuitive plane 5
Karmic lessons0 Karmic accumulation 0
Pastlife influence2 Subconscious self 5
Keynumber8 Foundation7
Heart desire8 Personality8
Realization19 Habit challenge9
Physical plane4 Mental 7
Emotional plane4 Intuitive plane 3
Karmic lessons4 Karmic accumulation 4
Pastlife influence2 Subconscious self 5
Keynumber8 Foundation7
Heart desire8 Personality3
Realization14 Habit challenge19
Physical plane5 Mental 5
Emotional plane5 Intuitive plane 4
Karmic lessons4 Karmic accumulation 4
Pastlife influence4 Subconscious self 1
Keynumber11 Foundation1
Heart desire17 Personality8
Realization10 Habit challenge11
Physical plane1 Mental 5
Emotional plane3 Intuitive plane 2
Karmic lessons4,6,7 Karmic accumulation 17

         In the numerology analysis above, the two digit numbers represent "Karmic influence", which tends to bring a more important focus to that factor of life, and occasionally more powerful experiences in the lessons to be learned.

         I feel it is very important to note that the names of YOSHUA IBN MARYAM and YEHOWSHUA IBN MIRYAM are the only names with "Karmic lessons" and a "Karmic accumulation" of "0". The "Karmic lessons" of "0" indicates that the individual SOUL comes into the present lifetime with no special lessons to be worked on/learned. This can indicate that it will seem that everything is handed to the individual without having to work too hard. However, if an individual with this Karmic Lesson value takes on a lazy attitude in that present lifetime and just lets things happen to him rather than taking charge and taking responsibility, that individual is likely to accrue more negative karma for the present lifetime and future lifetimes.
         If we believe the bible stories about the Christ figure, we see that this individual did NOT sit back and let things happen to him. Rather that individual did many things to promote ideas of spiritual advancement, even when those ideas went against the cultural standards of the time.

         With the "Karmic accumulation" of "0", the idividual SOUL's Karma has been worked out through many lifetimes to the point where the SOUL has a better understanding of "Karmic Law" and the true nature of any existence of any SOUL that has separated from the Godhead. This SOUL has the capability of recognizing all the past lives of it's existence and the implications that each has/has had upon succeeding lives. This SOUL can be said to have reached a plateau level of understanding of it's existence and is now ready to take a giant step, so to speak, in it's return to the Godhead.

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